Most of you will probably have noticed that our Management Fleet is predominantly white. Some of you may have idly wondered why this is the case. The more bored among you may even have surmised theories: ‘it’s crankandpiston tradition’; ‘meh, remarkable luck’; ‘they re-sprayed them all at their own expense’; ‘they’re experimenting with a new C&P vinyl range’.
That’s given us a few ideas for when crankandpiston controls the global automotive industry, but the fact is a white car is much easier to shoot. All too often have dark colours caused our artistic lensmen to throw their head in their hands and curse an errant dust line that has ruined their shot.
So the recent shoot of our Pearl Black Nissan Juke accordingly posed a few problems: first, keeping the car clean; second, finding a suitably charismatic location for the Juke’s final shoot. Pulling out of the car wash and pointing the now sparkling nose towards Dubai city centre, we knew this wasn’t going to be easy.
How about the Marina? Plenty of life and certainly a stunning backdrop. True, but ‘placing’ a car with only two or three parking spaces to choose from, plus the constant threat of officials wandering over and asking what on earth we thought we were doing, meant we didn’t stay long.