C&P Shot of the day // Frank M. Orel // The Watchers

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When you have a love for something, your desire to soak up as much knowledge and inspiration leads you all sorts of places. One such place for us was the website of a Mr. Frank M. Orel.

Frank is one of Germany’s top advertising photographers who just happens to have a burning love for Stuttgart’s finest. He has recently published a 300 page book looking specifically at the history, design and heritage of the brand. It is actually his fourth Porsche specific book and a fifth is already on its way. The man is keen!

Bound in a hot-pink foil cover and at a whopping 11.5″ x 14.5″, this incredible piece of work would and will make the perfect coffee table piece in any automotive nuts house hold.

[All images copyright 2010 Frank M. Orel]

Categories: Lifestyle,Road


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