Does the arrival of the Lamborghini Huracán LP610-4 change the pecking order in the Lamborghini Barn?
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It’s fair to say that part of the charm of a Lamborghini is its mental-ness. We love the Raging Bull at crankandpiston simply because it is, and should be, completely bonkers. And although the latest bull in the stable, the Lamborghini Huracán LP610-4 smells ever so slightly more Audi than it does Countach, it is still all mental. This IS Lamborghini.
How does the Huracán stack up though? Does it nudge out the Miura from the garage? Does it mean you need to take that Countach poster off your wall?
Hit the poll below and give us your thoughts? My vote? That little black number above… for today!
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