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Well after making the formal move away from the corporate life to the self-sustained life, Family McGovern have had to make some serious changes. The most major of which (of course) was the loss of the comfy and fully maintained company vehicle we have had the pleasure of, year on year, for the past five years.
So as we waved goodbye to what I would happily describe as the greatest all round vehicle money can buy; the Land Rover LR4, we had to go looking for a suitable replacement that would fit in with our super restrictive budget.
We’d had the pleasure of a Ford Flex a couple of months ago and having had a soft spot for the quirky slab of Dearborn metal since it’s launch, it was firmly on our radar. I think the fact that they haven’t really taken off in this town aided by the “marmite effect” (love or hate) it helped put the car in a different light for us. Sailing with the crowd has never been my favoured option. So after some phone calls, tremendous service from the Ford guys and the arrangement of funds, we had the “Fridge” delivered.
Next on the list will be the subtle Foil that will be applied in the coming days and the sexy set of wheels to top it off. So there you have it – We know have a family car, a rig car and a racecar guff transporter all in one.